designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Do you think theyre going to testify against you? They were then 3years and 2years old. Write! I hope this helps you. At least you know where they are. My son is 13, the age where he can say where he wants to be, but the judge in this hearing wont let him testify. I finally got a weekday off today was hoping to have this team meeting. Loss of a Child Poems. Its been so hard and worse than ever because this time I have anxiety/panic attacks about losing the kids! Even if your son stays with his mom, he will be thinking about you. Leave a message there if you need too. I miss and need them desperately. Our lives dont always work out the way we wish. Placement of my son is with her, the actual perpetrator of the DV. I called my caseworkers superviser supervisor. Whether a child, parent, spouse, or furry companion, poetry has the uncanny ability to take one back to the momentback to the place a heart needs to feel. Your children will come again to their own land. flashbacks, anxiety, or other symptoms of PTSD. Even though her cases are due to her real problem, she certainly is depressed over losing her kids. Any advice? Did you go to court? Lavish that one child with love, forgiveness, compassion and attention. Express your grief in creativity. I never got any papers I cant even tell you why exactly they terminated my rights because I was still in shock from the death of their father. If you do you can be charged with molestation. Just remember to keep moving, keep your heart pumping, and know that it will have a positive effect on your mood. But providing safe housing and protection for a mother and children would be more cost-effective and would preserve that parent-child bond that children really need while theyre growing up. It hurts. My parental rights wjll be terminated November 14th. Molly has also been named by Seattle Met Magazine as one of Seattle's top family law attorneys. Anything you create is never yours. Looking Up! Prepare for that hearing and remember only the judge makes the final decision, not the social workers who are trying to frighten and weaken you, and beat you down. Yes, sorry to say, that is exactly what they often do. The painting and sawing and all that would be messy, but then in the end, what a beautiful house it is! I just got my 3 month old baby taken away from me 3 weeks ago I need lots of prayer he was my everything we were together all the time I feel depressed like nothing matters. The powerful gang known as CPS will not stop until we stand up to them but we cant because dumb idiots who dont have kids but go to school and learn about kids think they know how and what parents should do even if they dont know what its like. My mother, even in her eighties, found a lot of joy in volunteering to sit at a desk in the lobby of her local hospital to answer questions when people came in. But feel like I am getting nowhere. Second time is after about a year of dad not seeing my son in the visits he suddenly wants to show up to visits after learning the case was going to be closed and all of a sudden my son says Ive been abusing him this whole time which had been over a year at this point. God gave you inalienable rights, not the state, feds or your DHHS. You dont even have to believe like they do, but just having a church family would help. Honey you Louisiana is hell come to Arkansas just be poor they will take them put up for adoption before they terminate your rights i have seen this go on blacks and drug heads get their kids back but someone white, poor, trying to get a life for themselves and their children, going to college. Seek out lawyers and social workers that do pro bono work if money is an issue but the intent here is to be legally aware and empowered so that you can make choices that help both you and your child. But, just as with people, not all dogs react the same after the loss of another dog in the . Some kind of belief system will help you find meaning in all this mess. Featured Shared Story I know God sees us through our trials, and sometimes we never know why. You cant expect not to feel depressed, but you can learn ways to deal with your grief. Talk to your attorney about filing for the appeal. Ive heard of multiple men who killed themselves, thinking that if they did, CPS would go away and leave their wives and children alone. I live in Tennessee I went to visit my mother in New York and during the time that i had gotten stuck there (5 months) her father and grandmother had decided to write a bunch of stuff in a petition and get temporary custody of her so that i could not bring her back to tennessee. 5. Any advice? God isnt going to rescue you, he sent his son Jesus Christ, and He was perfect in every way, and they still killed him for no sin, no crime, only stating truth. Don't feel like you need to fill the empty silence. Factors affecting mother-child visiting identified by women with histories of substance abuse and child custody loss. My house seems cold and empty, all his things are gone, and I cant even get visits. Find a way to help others it will take your mind off your problems and bring some joy into your life. }, { With all due respect, you are labeling a four year old as if she is a monster and you should be ashamed of yourself., Hi Laura I just wanted to say I completely know what your going through I had my two beautiful children taken in the beginning of October its now December it feels like its been a decade since I got to be with them its the worst most empty feeling in the world!!! He said once a month. No matter what. But sometimes (most of the time) we have to learn the hard way. He is the only one who can. I couldnt believe something like that could have happened to me and the reasons why they took him were so dumb. Depression is the most common mental illness in America, and millions of people suffer from bouts of depression, especially after a traumatic experience like a divorce, a job loss, a death in the family or financial stress. I dont want to live in this world anymore! But my daughter wasnt addicted to anything when she was born they tested her & everything. They were taken after my husband went to jail and had multiple charges that had him supposedly doing 6YRS!!!! Please write to me, I also feel so alone in all this , I have no one to talk to about it and nobody understands why i am always so sad!! I wish you luck and hope youll be successful at all you do. 75219. This past March I was assaulted once again by my ex. Show our kids our love for them by staying well having faith and putting forth the action. You may have heard the common statistic that half of all marriages end in divorce. If they come in and take the kids, just give em up and move on. It can also become difficult for you and your child to adjust to these changes, the fact that your child has been taken from you and that you no longer have access to them can be an excruciating experience. I lost my children 3 years ago. I was thinking of instead trying to appeal. Cant say much now sorry plz get back to me. Will you be there for him at least make an offer of being there for him? I have learned a really hard lesson since losing my daughter. They are calling me an alcoholic because I somehow keep failing for etg (alcohol) when I do not drink alcohol. Now he calls another mom. Do not let them destroy our kids. I have forgiven but I need to forget. Substance abuse is another issue that many parents face after separation and divorce . It always makes a huge difference for your outlook on life. Im appealing the termination. Get back to me when you can. I had no money to go to the court in L.A. and did not go to the court hearing. It suggests that we go through five distinct stages after the loss of a loved one. This post would have been helpful if I wasnt atheist. I actually heard the DSS attorney tell the foster workers in regards to another case, be careful what you say to her, just tell her she can get her daughter back but then when she is comfortable we will take the her again. Kovalesky, A. Nov.5 2013 I voluntary gave my kids to cps so I could get on my feet my sons dad took 1,500 from me so I was evicted and I have no family or friends.. I had no choice, I felt it was the best for them. She was the head of CPS favorite. Im havin such a hard hard time my depression is at a all time high there are days I wish I didnt wake up. Though you may feel alone, there are other parents out there who have been through this. They wouldnt let me leave and knew I would fail their expectations which I did and last month they took my two children from me. My husband & I did everything the court asked of me & still they took my kids. I can tell you that our Case Manager was fired. May I say it? dear jaded feather, Call me at eight 1 six 6 four 5 four 1 five 2. I was to return to my home state of Missouri where I have many loved ones..employment and a home set up..this was the plan before they even stepped foot into my life. Shes now 35 and hasnt spoken to me in about 18 years. Hi I lost my kids to cps as well it started in 2008 they were ages seven three and two family friends started lies cps believe them and they took my kids finaly adoptioning them the family that started the lies in august my oldest got ahold of me and I seen my girls it felt like a huge pain was lifted but there adopted family cut me off well tried my oldest still texts me a lot its great my youngest doesnt know of me its just hard cuz know Im confused and dont know what to do and Im scared my daughter has been brainwashed or Im not good enough and I will fail her please help me I missed my two youngest first days of school and Im missing out on their life I cant get that back I have hidden this pain for a long time Im ivyness of our women who have there kids I dont wanna be that person where is the happy full of life person. I knew of many of these situations before, and thought I had a good enough support system to protect us. Where there is hope there is faith.. Pray PRAY pray. Study depression. Thats why I support the State Sovereignty Movement. And to top is all off I had ESSURE could implanted in me after my daughter and do there is NO CHANCE THAT I WILL EVER HAVE MORE CHILDREN! Treasure, my best advice is to go to a church and find Jesus because He can help comfort you and heal your broken heart. I have had had no visits with them at all. The flier described how her ex-husband, an abusive narcissist had convinced the family court he should be the custodial parent. I think there were a few others, but I cannot remember. Sometimes, these feelings can rush back years after your loss. It was hell and I wont sugar coat it. Instead, create a life that your children will be eager to be a part of one day. A few things you can do for yourself include: It is estimated that once a parent has lost custody, it can take the better part of two years to regain custody, sometimes even more depending on context and issues surrounding the separation. However, violent behaviors, self-injury, or suicide attempts can present a danger to your child, and simply being unable to provide basic childcare due to loss of ordinary function can impact custody decisions. Guilt: You may feel guilty, ashamed and blame yourself for the situation which could add to your stress. I feel your emptiness, despair, and desire to move on. If you are alive, God has a plan for you. Im tired in every way a person can be tired. I lost custody 2 years ago and my therapist said my son will come look for me when he grows up. couldnt get anything else on me so they made that up..and violated my constitutional rights and my childs constitutional rights by asking him questions app dad told them they was not allowed without me or an attorney present and thats too bad of a court order which they did not and could not produce and said they didnt have to have one.. You have no idea how much I needed to find this page tonight. He had my two older daughters and did everything in his power to destroy my relationships with them and keep them from me for about ten years. Do not make the Facebook page private if you do, they wont be able to find it with the Google search engine. I have the certificate of adoption with her name on it. Your anger could stem from the perceived loss of control over your child, or feel that decisions are unfair or unjust. You must forgive yourself. I know I will get my children back soon but I am only 3 months postpartum and I am craving my baby really badly. Even my lawyer said, as long as they follow the law we will win. I know who wins, and I know which side I am on. when weve got nothing and all hope is gone, who do we turn to? am in need of a friend who has been here to support me and also tell what i need to hear not just candy coat. So, it is common and expected if you begin to face various mental health issues after you lose custody of your child. This is usually due to the circumstances of the loss of someone. My six children are gone amd were given to my ex, the abuser. documented young children's vulnerability to depression after parental . I am disillusioned by the system I fought to defend. The misery of family disunity and dysfunction plus the interference of do-gooder government agencies make this country treacherous for many, many parents. Relationships. CPS took my whole life. The State spends as much as possible on each child, so that they can ask for more the next fiscal year. The person should have time to cry, to mourn as much as it will be necessary. BUT I do agree I have a lot on me and I am not fighting anymore. Dearest Kathryn, I feel you girl!!! I pray for you and wish Angeles surround you like they have me???? We are not held accountable by God for the actions others choose evil against us, or our children. I was two days into my treatment. Try to stay positive try to fight your case do whatever you can and in the meantime go to school and try to do anything you can to better your life Im understanding of this issue Im a father who lost a child to CPS over past drug use and mistakes I made when I was 22 in 28 now it is so hard my son is now six but now there may be light at the end of the tunnel finally but i doubt that you will have to wait that long to get your kids back just dont fall into the cycle of self blame and feeling like its all your fault because its probably not and even if it was what matters is what you do next and my case has taken so long but its a more extreme example of what they will try to do when they can. Amanda, Im putting you and your children on my prayer list. I believe that my God allowed this for a reason. My only child, a precious little girl was stolen from me September of 2015 after a nasty bout of post partum depression. Do not be like those people who committed suicide. I could make myself available anytime. Anything worth having is worth fighting for and my children are my everything. My own mother was wanted my son sience birth. Im not kidding! You have got }, { You probably won't find many people who sympathize with people who work in this industry. Depression: Changes to your relationship with your child may leave you feeling sad, hopeless or depressed. They help with mood AND energy-have a TON of B vitamins in them! I know what your feeling. Amber, so sorry you were depressed after your baby was born. I truly hope that you get your children back from the scum! But my children are living in another city an hour away. This is the experiments on behavior on parents. Never will I stop doing whatever I can, which first and foremost is to pray. Amber, I hope god gives me the strength to help me overcome this heart breaking situation. Losing your faith is no justification for any suffering or struggles in life. They want me to go to rehab. I cant go on any further, too much pain. Anger expressed in a healthy way is my defense mechanism to keep going on with life. Red flag. 187-214). Take walks, or whatever you most like to do. They will no respond. I have 100% guaranteed childcare just feet away 24/7.. Losing your mother at any age can be a. i live in Calif. Where do you live? Working in a period of deep grief after the death of a child can only be a burden. Holidays, birthdays and other events can spark grief even years after a loss. I realize had i not relapsed none of this would have taken place. It seems cps gets involved with the dumbest things and everyone seems to get their children taken away here no matter what the situation is. In some cases, the childs wishes will be considered. If you are not 100% positive that your eternal home is Heaven, then call me at 816-645-4152. I was also unable to work. Stop crying and live your life with purpose and give them a MOTHER to call the day they turn 18! I am fighting cps it has been about a year and a half.I feel they use my now ex husband against me.cps is wrongfully handling things wrong I have done all classes required and have a job car and home.hopefully the judge turns her head and sees that I deserve them back two of my children are tribal members and they have been turned against me to the fullest extent.all I want is them back somebody hear me out I have been diagnosed with ptsd which is a sign of depression.all who are going through this torture never give up.Lord hear our prayers my family also gets nothing out of this.cps is prejudiced and they use bias never believe anything they say.with love to all Andrea. Dallas, I get to talk to him for 3min a week i am lucky. You need direction and guidance. He never forces his way into anyones life. They put in ankle monitor on him to keep him away from our house. It could also be a symptom of depression. Take your troubles to Him by making time for prayer whenever youre feeling overwhelmed. How Mental Illness Can Impact Child Custody Cases involving a parent with a mental illness are notoriously tricky. I will pray for you, When they are 18 you never get those years back of raising your kid people dont raise a kid for free to abuse them but to love them when will they understand that, You are not alone my 4 babies were taking from me for no reason a bunch of lies these women need to be in jail for taking my sweet babies from me God bless you. Please help!!!! Go to bed on time, eat regularly. My kids are my life if it wasnt for them there is no telling were id be. Subject to the childs best interests standard, you have every right to custody and visitation. A study that has looked into the accounts of fathers who have been separated from their children has a higher likelihood that they will developed a dependency of substance use- especially with alcohol, have conflicts with this ex-partner, which will add to the various stressors that he might find hard to cope with leading to mental health issues. Community centers can be a great place to seek out these types of support groups or your therapist can help you find one. When I seen them again a worker just laughed about it. Also, a story in the Bible similar to my story (I gave my child up for adoption her safety) is the story of Jochebed and Moses and Miriam. Too many people get to judge me when they are worse parents than Ive ever been and I just feel very alone. Divorce Poem Losing Custody Of Child Poem A parent who loses custody of his child lets the child know that they are not forgotten and that he looks forward to the day they will be reunited. Im thankful for him. Ages 9, 6, & 5 months. My daughter was put in a psychiatric hospital, and she was going to take my daughter to my mother. Did they ever try to terminate your rights? DO NOT LET CPS win! Its so unfair they wont even let me breastfeed him so I keep on pumping. Also-now there is another rx pill-called a mood stabilizer that helps with the depression. !I pray you have the means to fight the state .!!!!!! I was un fit to care for my children. I am in the thick of it right now, where are you now with your case a year later? Depression drains your energy. I am a great mom. With there father, the abuse and the drugs. cps should not exist the superior family law governs especially your childrens history the minute this courts make a mistake that causes your child harm they blame you , everybody we all need to be strong the cps court in san bernardino just closed my case because i told them i would jump their hoops but i was not signing anything they wnted my signature so they closed the case i awaitto have some document statin so. Learn mindfulness, focus on the PRESENT and the FUTURE. I feel like Im going to have a nervous break down Im barely hanging on. My milk is drying up as I avidly nursed my 9 month old. I had faith before my kids were taken. Ugggh. by . She didnt want to, and she was a GOOD mother just like you! #5. I used my depression to my advantage by turning it into anger. But there IS a way for you. When all was said and done i left and went home and got drunk to numb myself i spent the first week drunk everyday. Now Im a better person and I could be a better mother to my children. There are special forums where mothers who have lost children talk about their pain, support, and help others coping with the death of a child. He will always be 11 to me. I went through postpartum depression (PD) after my third child was born it was terrible and I went to a lot of different therapists to try to find out why I was so depressed and not one of them picked up on the fact it was postpartum. I been praying for myself that all this will be over. As much as it kills me to not see them i would at least like them to still see each other considering they were more like best friends rather then siblings they were never apart and never went anywhere without each other. Depression is a clinical syndrome. End of Life Mourning the Death of a Spouse When your spouse dies, your world changes. Theres no domestic violence at all tho. Let me fast forward Ive been on a downward spiral since this case was opened. 35 days of meetings got a sponsor been doing their drugscreens supervised visits drug and alcohol classes while continuing to keep my job which has supported my children and I for almost three years. Become the person you were meant to be. Grief can happen in response to loss of life, as well as to drastic changes to daily routines and ways of life that usually bring us comfort and a feeling of stability. We lost. 816-645-4152 if you want to know how to have that peace. Amber, In the first stage, the person does not believe in the truth of the loss. Listen, my depressed friends, this is not the thing to do when your family is attacked by CPS. We must all combine forces and fight back. I still have court in Feb to follow up on my grandsons case I am still untrusting of them and I will only feel better when I get that FINAL ruling. God removes them not in a bad way but if he knows were not doing the right thing for ourselves or our children he will intervene. In most cases, sharing one-on-one time with both parents is important for healthy parent-child bonding. God works in mysterious ways. So I will pray for the fact that you lost your faith because you lost your kids. My alienating ex husband has his dreams come true and I just wait for the day god will no longer reject me. I dont know what to do! Cps is just adding and adding more and more to make it to where I cant get him back. Symptoms of divorce-related depression can include any, or a combination of, the following: Symptoms of depression can vary from mild to extremely severe. Common grief reactions include: Shock, disbelief, or denial Anxiety Distress Anger Periods of sadness Loss of sleep and loss of appetite This is my horrifying life right now, you wrote this last year, what happened? I feel so alone. Get to know who they know, God gave them to you for a reason. My husband has a new attorney, with a brighter perspective. We need to defund them and change laws. Poems about Child abuse at the world's largest poetry site. .. i am not going to give up! Im literally hurting emotionally and physically. Dont let them do it to you. My rights just got terminated in March this year 2021. You are grieving. It is so much better for them to be with your mom rather than in an adoption out to strangers. Monica has years of experience working with families in transition. TIME TO PROVE MYSELF.. I am no more discouraged than I was. Streaming videoing with a smartphone is even better since if the socialist worker has the cops along, for the SW to have the cop snatch the phone doesnt erase the video. Its been a little over a year now. THIS IS WISE CO.TEXAS. The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. Psalm 23. !! Is there anything I can do to avoid getting my son taken away? The KENTVILLE NOVA SCOTIA OFFICE has been misquoting things Ive said, and making me out to be some horrible monster. Hopefully they will see this and contact you. The other grandparents who changed their minds never gave a good excuse as to why they decided to give him up but I had kept a close loving relationship with him as did my oldest son. He said if they kill me just think what they will do to my followers. Please pray for me and my babies as I will all of you. I am going through this same thing right now. I lost both of my children in 2012 I was the only care taker of them my daughters dad was a sperm donor and was behind 12 grand in child support and my sons dad I jus left him of 5 years off and on hes an alcoholic bad and still ismy case is still Goin on 3 years later and I still havent even got unsupervised visitswhat happened in my case was my current boyfriend which is now my fiance accidentally smacked my son on his cheek nothin serious at allbecause of his criminal past and I guess me still being with this man for over 5 years as well they wont give me my kids backIve had numerous panic attacks Im depressed all day long I cant survive any longer fighting and fighting to get no wherethey have told me from get go do this do that same as ur all these classes and u will get them backwell we did all that n first year and Ive hired a paid lawyer and all 1500$ to still be strung along over an accident he didnt try to hurt my baby he didnt know how to be a dad he had no idea how to punish a 3 year old at the timeHe only wanted to tap him on the shoulder but my son ducked it and his hand ended up across his faceHe did 60 days in jail for assult as wellThis man loves my kids he refuses to leave he is fighting this long hard battle with me but now its like do I kick him out wat do I doI grew up as a kid and my dad would leave bloody welts all over my bottom thighs etcwhere was cps when I was a childI dont understand this world u got herion addicts who still have there kids ppl leaving kids n hot cars they keep there kidsbut my bf tried to discipline my son and this is wat I go thru day to day for 3 yearscan I get any answers please I live m cincy ohioI need prayers please I need my babies back badmy daughter will be a 12 in Jan I heard she can say at that age where she wants to liveTrue or not??? Divorce Poem Losing Custody Of Child Poem A parent who loses custody of his child lets the child know that they are not forgotten and that he . Ive been complying with dcs. I do not want to face God not having put forth my best effort. I dont know what else to do. You are more likely to lose custody if your diagnosis has caused you to: Neglect your child's basic needs. Now a`days I put it in them to say no. I cannot even write for this website unless I get enough sleep the night before. That would be messy, but you can learn ways to deal with your rather... Illness can Impact child custody cases involving a parent with a mental Illness can Impact child custody loss six. Him supposedly doing 6YRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... 6 four 5 four 1 five 2 come in and take the kids on my prayer list in. Had had no money to go to the childs best interests standard, you have the means to the... Friends, this is usually due to the childs best interests standard, you the! 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depression after losing custody of child poem