Its become hugelycommon, even among expert speakers during formal interviews (just listen to NPR while various experts are interviewed). It's BS. Music is music. I view the word "like" in the entire opposite manner than a lot of those critics. Its definitely whiny, and its annoying as hell to my ears. I call this the singing list, the intonation conveys a meaning that the list is long, maybe endless, and whats being sung is a representative/illuminating example, but not exhaustive. As opposed to what? OKIE I get far more hung up on language misuse, though. Politician: Look, we in my state believe that those people working in the aerospace industry are important. Vocal fry refers to a low, glottal, animal-like sound that speech pathologists consider a vocal disorder. Many people confuse further and farther or say me and you instead of you and I. Can you comment on a growing trend of, what one person termed, manufactured precision diction? Hansen coaches voice for NPR, corporate groups, professional theater companies, podcast hosts, journalists, and private clients nationwide. For example, Im from the southeastern USA. Ken, can you give some examples regarding Dr. Ford? Pointing this out to friends, Im usually answered by yeah, I noticed, or good old-fashioned shrugs. And that is how I found your comment lol! If he catches that he's saying "you know" a lot, he'll try to cut down on using it. For example, in Alabama, pen and pin are pronounced the same way. Ive seen talking heads on cable news panels do this ad-nauseum. Person 1: I went to a concert yesterday and it was very entertaining! Suddenly I see the speech patterns that seem unnatural and improper. And the horrible grammar: Her and I. I have a small business and refuse to hire anyone who speaks like anyone described in the article or these annoying ways of speaking. I have tried to adjust. And last but certainly NOT least, saying the work right after every other sentence this makes me feel physically nauseated. I now hear little girls copying their mums, speaking in vocal fry, and thats sad. Voice. I was about to write a comment concerning the misuse of me and I when I read yours. For example someone says I went to the store, then the gas station, and then got something to eat. Change out. She is best known for her role in the NPR Morning Edition and All Things Considered. I work for a large tech company in the SF Bay Area and I can attest that uptalk, unfortunately, is more pervasive than ever. Hello; Heres another verbal habit thats annoyed me to the point of pounding the wall. And then I had to take the Range Rover in for serviiiiiiiiice, I mean, Im like sooo worn out ( vocal fry). The sht thing I noticed way before Michelle Obama, which is sad because she is otherwise very well spoken. Also, ahhhhh, ahhhhhhh when they see a puppy or baby or receive a gift, etc. Ive even come close to writing to NPR about their guests propensity to start sentences with so. Another one Ive heard lately is everything going on these days. Why use a euphemism in place of the pandemic? I am also hearing stated instead of simply said, and dont get me started on the misuse of myself. Thank you for validating my observations! Its hit the English language strong in just the past year or so, right? News Media and Teachers are mispronouncing this word. I am finding it increasingly more difficult to watch television, or listen to certain radio broadcasters, due to distracting speech patterns and styles. And when reporters and hosts deviate from that supposed standard, our office hears about it. I immediately have to fast forward, which defeats the whole purpose of advertising. Theres a name for it, but I cant remember what its called. The truth is clear. The interior is super soft leather!. Is there not an audio producer charged with asking the reporters to speak with more maturity and confidence? (Smirk. 'Planet money,' 'This American Life,' 'Radiolab,' 'Startup' Why? If, however, its something that is correctable, I would like to know how, (NOT to be more pleasing or acceptible to him), so that I might be less annoying to more diplomatic persons like yourself . Sam Sanders, host of It's Been a Minute, said that learning to write in his own voice was difficult. Epic, etc. Many men do this also, although its usually not as noticeable as creaky voice in women, because mens voice are deeper to begin with so the pitch drop doesnt contrast as much with their normal pitch/phonation. This collection would be much funnier if the written intro didnt include a sentence beginning I mean Someone above grits their teeth at Americans and Brits speaking. 3 length vs. lenth, H (long a and ch) vs. (long a and shuss), streaming vs. shreaming. One listener from Massachusetts wrote: "We are writing to express our concern about the prevalence of the vocal fry affectation adopted by too many of your broadcast correspondents. its so, like, annoying, right? I can focus and absorb what they are saying so much more easily. She likened speaking into a microphone to a "performance that should be as authentic as possible.". Like things like like because its just, like, beyond ubiquitous and you already know about it. He recently tweeted, "I've said this before, I'll say it again. OMG! Finally, the other habit that seems to be spreading is the use of the schwamostly women but not exclusivelyperhaps the thought is that it makes them seem more cultured. Ayesha Rascoe is involved in most of the National Public Radio programs. Why isnt anyone saying to anymore? She regularly records commercial voice overs for radio and tv as well as infomercial voice overs and direct response marketing for children's toys, health, fitness and beauty products. Its a good question.. uuuh-eem.. if we look at the sortve.. cultural implications.. implications.. we we find that people.. generally are all victims of being annoying.. Hearing fingernails down a blackboard couldnt be more excruciating than vocal fry, and the stress I experience when not being able to tell the person doing it to stop it is hard to deal with. Then I grabbed a coffeeeee. Any and all bridge words used frequently in conversation is exceedingly annoying. The most common is right? when used at the end of a sentence. The young woman interviewing them had the most annoying high pitched upspeak that I could not continue, and when I read the comments, many people commented on how annoying the so-called journalist was. e.g. Thank you so much, Debbie and Baz! Ultimately, I realized that it is deeply right to have many different voices reporting on the powerful.". First, they sound like they are pedaling up a hill. The vocal twerk I hear in men (mostly) is Listenfeels like a subtle form of bullying. But what to do with them then? One person in particular uses a combination of vocal fry (at times), saying so at the end of sentences, using upspeak, AND drawing words out (I guess while thinking of what to say). The T-dropping is especially irritating because it sounds like something a very young kid would do and I HATE when adults talk like toddlers. As in change the sheets or change a lightbulb. is You get the idea. 2) pumped and stoked for excited Also, using lol in a sentence is not only idiotic, and outdated, but it makes the commenter appear mentally retarded. She said she wants to give reporters more control of their voices to increase their storytelling options. People complained that young, female reporters rasped their voices in an unprofessional way. Also, why has everyone started turning ts to ds. Like, what about the kids, like mostly girls, that like say the word like, like every other word. I hear this a lot in conversation these days too. Yes her voice was tough to take but once you realized what she went through.well fuck. Yet literally all of my female colleagues get constant criticism for how they speak or sound. Nothing new! Annoying! Some of it likely occurs between people very familiar with each other. Dont get me started on the vocal fry. I see it in newscasts all the time being used by educated people. It sends the message that only some people can be trusted to report the news. Their thinking is that they are being fake if they change up. Vocal fry irritates the hell out of me! Much of what else is mentioned here Ive not heard or not noticed. I notice the upspeak and vocal is prevalent mostly among young white females than anything else..but the valspeak..that is pretty universal..especially I find people my age use it as mostly fillers vs pauses when they are gathering their thoughts with like so ya know..I got 5 siblings w an equal balance of male and females and my parents growing up were drove up the wall by our over use of like. Five lines from the bottom, auto correct changed Sanskrit to sandscript. Firstly, I would like to say that I quite enjoyed reading your article. No, thanks. I am also hearing a and an used incorrectly. Charlotte, dropping the g has been around since I was a young teen, in the early 70s. I think one that bothers me the most (and one worth further discussing) is the ever common not quite lisp that Ive noticed a lot in the media, especially when watching news anchors/reporters (as it is their job to clearly convey the report). To those of you who are staying up to date with these comments and following this thread, we just posted a compilation video in this blog. I even heard some say go away-aahh or similar uses. It makes my skin crawl, when people say are, when it is PRONOUNCED, OUR!!! We occasionally hear from listeners who critique what they perceive as the homogeneity of on-air voices. No. Its good to know my husband and I arent the only ones who feel this way about how people are speaking lately. And, like uptalk, it seems to be used predominantly by female speakers. She has received a few emails about her voice from listeners, including one that said she didn't sound certain saying her own name, which she briefly addressed in a Planet Money segment. Britain? Can you tell us about the car accident you witnessed today? I didnt read through all of the comments but one I didnt see mentioned is the common trend now, most especially (again) by young to even college aged females adding I couldnt continue to watch. Am I alone in this? Likely popularized by Michelle Obama and Oprah. Indeed, there's an ongoing conversation within public radio about the extent to which the industry asks some journalists to change their voices to conform to the (mostly white) voices that came before them. I wonder if they realize they are doing this? These kids are expected to go out in the real world and magically transform into people they were once never expected to be. And please read through the comments for some very interesting insights and observations from other readers. This is why I refuse to hire young people! Trying to describe some of these patterns is difficult, so examples would be very helpful! I understand that enunciation is a part of the job they do, but to over pronounce a word by adding an extra vowel does not sharpen the words; it dulls the wit. (And yes, she also hears a lot of feedback on her own voice.). If someone speaks in numbered bullet points, such as, Firstly_____, and second then they wish to sound more educated than they are. I hear it all of the time especially as I live in a very affluent, lily white area. I hope that there will be some attention paid to restoring some respect for our language in generations to come. Guest (author/pundit/wannabe politician): Sure, so, moving forward, we obviously want to first see what reopening would look like, then secure the strategic infrastructure to sort of make that happen in this space (apparent reference to safe space). I also see an affectation of a stammer, emphasizing the last syllable of a word, of a sentence, the totally unnecessary use of and so, after starting with the ubiquitous So, and repetition of statements as if the listener is an imbecile. My shopping experiences in the UK have changed since I turned 60 and let my hair go grey. Id love to know how it happens. A long list of complaints I violently agree with. Ive noticed the inflection is often followed by movement, such as a slight head tilt, nod, hands, or shift of the eyes, presumably as an emphasis. I was going to ask her if she had a sore throat but decided to be nice and just get the hell out of there as quickly as possible. We all must remember to keep our minds sharp and active. Do they know how ridiculous they appear???? Ask people why they do it (has to be within moments of the list having been sung) and theyll tell you its just a list. He joins us. No-uh. Also da for the has been trending. the kind of and sort of virus has been making the rounds of cable news hosts and pundits, and its literally driving me crazy, you know what i mean? Having a predilection for languages & words, combined with being a professional presenter for most of life, my ear is sensitive to all uses of phrasology; blue, high tone, trends, slang, group ID, annoying & more. May I direct my fellow annoyed speech watchers to a major culprit leading to these speech patterns? Look at what?? A question mark has a specific purpose in the English language. I want to shout at them all and saystop being sheep all of you, keep your individuality, its much more interesting, and real. Have you got any money, at all. By saying that (usually at the end of a sentence) it prevents someone else from talking or contributing their 2 cents, waiting for whatever follows the But.uh. Sorry, but Im not pronouncing button as butt-ton. But like you, when I find a younger person who is free of the upspeak, glottal fry, lack of oxygen when speaking, or repetitive use of um, like and you know it is always refreshing. This seems to be catching on, even by some senior respected news folks. Is it hormones in food? In fact, theres a show on HBO where EVERY lady character has a speech impediment. Plus, at the end of the day. It is very annoying! Thats litteriiiiing, and he just kept walkiiiiing That isnt exactly it, but its similar. Thank goodness I stopped listening to American mainstream news with all their Aussie employees. speech pattern had a name, because someone in my house started doing it and they are driving me crazy! I saw it as SORE-ree. Ayesha Rascoe is an American journalist for NPR famous for her accent and distinctive voice for news delivery. (Thats okay, Verla. Perhaps its self-importance driving the habit. Or is it gender? Correspondents are starting to do it. Also not pronouncing a t in a word. I agree with you with every fiber of my being. Sorry for the typo of the when it should have been they. Its usually when someone is trying to express exasperation or frustration-uh. Ive had to stop watching MSNBC, because Rachel Maddow lards her hour with the use of right. Worse is Chris Hayes, who doesnt even use right properly! Endlessly irritating to me and I agree, it does sound affected. My spine is more aligned?. Its mostly young females, but some young dudes do it as well. But its also absolutely true. Person 2: So, did you ever get to visit your mother in Phoenix?, If you are just answering someone elses previous question, DO NOT begin with So. ta instead of to Its not clear if upspeak/high rising terminal intonation started in Australia (or even New Zealand), or on the West Coast of the USA. I suppose if the heart is in the right place, we can forgive some of these transgressions of speech. ***Follow @JoshVoorhees and the rest of the . Sad, but true. Every time I hear her voice, I immediately reach for the volume and turn it down. is my dog No! .ANY Mouth smacking, Ttt or Tsk between every phrase, or hearing saliva sounds !!! Fabulous opinions everybody: a terrific discussion! Its also a telltale sign along with being a 20-something vlogger who films herself eating/showering/walking a rat dog of narcissistic personality disorder. Heres one that you didnt feature maybe it doesnt count but its wrong and its annoying. Another big offender is the reality tv show, e.g. . Kids used to be so proud when their cursive writing improved as they practiced it. The biggest for me, though, is the epidemic vocal fry combined with a high-pitched voice, or sexy baby speak, among the majority of women, and many men now (Ira Glass, Im looking at you). Pronouncing str like shtr as in shtrong shtrange. Real News Host; Also, many of our viewers are likely wondering what It makes me terribly sad. Wish the tv stations would actually listen to their employeesfemale reporters are the WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that Im working remotely full-time, I have become acutely aware of speech patterns of the people I work with! They are typically found in unscripted, more extemporaneous speech. Filed Under: Fun Stuff Tagged With: Featured, patterns, speech, voice over style. Its done a lot in the German language, too (which makes sense, if you think about it). Would you please counsel ME on it? I recently discovered cursive writing has been dropped, so do schools no longer teach how to construct a sentence? Im not trying to be critical or mean, but it used to be if you had a speech impediment, you went to speech therapy and got rid of it before you went on public media. Probably because I was born in the 70s and obviously grew up in valley girl 80s. They even create elaborate spoofs, like this send-up of the "annoying" podcast voice. These are commentators, announcers, and reporters!! Excellent analysis!!! (Thuh ocean, thuh actor). Its just laziness (and somehow its become cool to sound lazy or bored). For example: And the speech pattern that led me to your page is the one Ive observed in the voice overs on virtually all home improvement shows. They must be changed Out. And, for the sake of diplomacy, keeping the peace, or not wanting to appear to be snobbish or hurtful, we have simply stopped giving each other constructive criticism regarding our flaws. You asked your readers what we would like for you to include in your next video. And also have heard does that make sense? from one particular Millenial. You hear it I. interviews with British movies stars. She tackled the challenge of transitioning to radio, in part, by developing an unusual approach to writing out her tracks (the reporter's narration). Given NPR's millions of listeners, pleasing each one all the time would be an impossible goal. I think that the person doing it wants to signal that they would have more to say about a thing but they really do not have any more ammunition. Start the answer with a yeah., I love these comments! So, after reading literally every single comment, I am pondering the question; is it ironic that were all complaining about an enormous range of vocal variants (or variations?) I would be happy to hear the word amazing without the word super in front of it. and I was totally unprepared for it? And listeners have seriously strong feelings about this stuff. Listeners have concerns about grammar, and filler words such as "um," "like" and "so." The So at the beginning of every answer to a question, the Vocal Fry, the Upspeak all irritate me beyond all measure. Viewers would be fascinated But then apparently its me whos the grumpy old man with a problem, when I correct my kids in their use of basic English grammar. Isnt it enough that we can send a message in an instant without having to wait for a cursive written letter to arrive in weeks, but make it even faster with short cut spelling to arrive in a matter of seconds? I couldnt agree more, this has been the bane of my existencetil now. A few other exercises for keeping voice forward are: Humming. Even interviews with people youd think would be trained to avoid patterns like these are using them. 'Voice' Author Explores Accents, Language And What Makes A Tone Sexy writer John Colapinto says the development of vocal structures may have been the key to humans' becoming the dominant species. a. period. What truly bothers me is that this type of coddling in primary and secondary school continues into college, and beyond. Sorry about that, but its the only way to bring awareness to this type of conversational disease in hopes that it can be eradicated very soon. This is what annoys me and I am a woman. One study found that young women with vocal fry were perceived as less competent and trustworthy. These hip speech patterns are used by women in, I would say 90% of the conversations Im involved with or hearing out in public. Fast forward to 2020 and, although I love shows about animals like the various zoo reality shows on Animal Planet, I cannot watch the one based out of Australia. "You're on the air, not having a conversation with a buddy in a bar. We really owe a lot to the guy who invented that, I mean, really. What I was really searching for is the new pattern that my daughter seems..touse. I have two. 2) I cant stand the making every sentence sound like a question- November 28, 2016 by Debbie Grattan 307 Comments. I am relieved to find this list because listening to NPR has become impossible. Have a listen how many times you hear ABSOLUTELY on the tv. One of my pet peeve: Someone who always speaks the -ah at the end of there sentence. 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npr voices annoying