Fundamental concepts and principles of computer security, operating system and database security, secret key and public key cryptographic algorithms, hash functions, authentication, firewalls and intrusion detection systems, IPSec ad VPN, and wireless security. 1 Credit Hour. Includes development and assessment of processes, their instantiation in actual product development, and techniques ensuring quality of developed products. From scholarships for conferences, to lectures by renowned computer scientists (I met Richard Karp last semester after he spoke at Tech), to organizations like The Agency (AI Club) and GT Web Dev. Human-Robot Interaction. CS6670. CS2699. All programs will be located at the Georgia Tech Savannah Campus. CS7210. Study of algorithms and performance in advanced databases. CS6753. Approximation Algorithms. This course takes a multi-disciplinary approach to privacy, a topic of great interest in the technology, policy, ethics, law, and business realms. 3 Credit Hours. Video Game Design and Programming. Technical resume preparation. Crosslisted with ECE and BMED6780. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. The course will provide students with an overall context in which software systems are developed from the viewpoint of processes that support development. COURSES THAT SATISFY THE SCIENCE REQUIREMENT ACADEMIC COURSES . CS4863. _____. Special Topics. CS4560. 3 Credit Hours. CS2340. CS4745. This course will help students develop both in-depth knowledge and hands-on skills in a number of important cybersecurity areas, including software security, malware and threat analysis, end-point security, network security, web security, mobile security, and machine learning based security analytics. Big Data Systems and Analytics. Study of statistical and algorithmic methods for sensing people using video and audio. CS 8998 Notes; CS 8998 Syllabus; CS 8998 Test Prep; georgia-institute-of-technology Course CS 8998 Homework Help; georgia-institute-of-technology Course CS 8998 Assignment Help; georgia-institute-of-technology Course CS 8998 Course Help; Foundations of Computer Graphics. Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making. CS4893. Credit will not be awarded for both CS4057 and MGT4057. AI Problem Solving. Next, machine-specific optimizations for performance and for energy consumption are discussed. Object-Oriented Systems and Languages. 4 Credit Hours. Emphasis on current best practice. Graduate Introduction to Operating Systems. Techniques of design and analysis of efficient algorithms for standard computational problems. CS1100. Important concepts from computability theory; techniques for designing algorithms for combinatorial, algebraic, and number-theoretic problems; basic concepts such as NP-Completeness from computational complexity theory. Master's Thesis. Introduction to programming concepts and computing tools such as formal models and algorithms with applications from conceptual biology. CS3220. Special Topics. Topics include lexical analysis, parsing, interpretation of sentences, semantic representation, organization of knowledge, and inference mechanisms. Virtual Environments. Emphasis is on the techniques of image formation, analysis, merging, modification and their use for depiction of reality on a 2D medium of photographs. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. We investigate algorithms for robots and complex systems that make intelligent decisions. 3 Credit Hours. An in-depth look at agents that learn, including intelligent systems, robots, and humans. North Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30332 CS2802. 3 Credit Hours. Complexity and order of growth. Special Topics in Cognitive Science. Introduction to graduate-level topics in operating systems using research papers, textbook excerpts, and projects. Computational Journalism. Admission Requirements. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Introduction to resource-bounded computations, central complexity-theoretic concepts such as complexity classes, reducibility, completeness, and intractability. Advanced symbolic AI techniques. CS3750. Distributed/parallel applications will be constructed and evaluated using the systems support that is developed. The course deals with models, enabling technology, systems, and applications. CS8804. Special Topics. CS6035. Practical application to network and system management including hands-on lab practice. FAQs Who can take this program? February 24, 2023. CS7999. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Multidisciplinary perspectives on cognitive science. 3 Credit Hours. Information Security Strategies and Policies. The College of Computing's People thread provides a broad range of course options, including learning how to design user experiences in software, how we learn and how technologies can support that, as well as developing an understanding of the mind as an information processor. Special Problems. CS3240. 4 Credit Hours. Design and implementation of compilers for parallel and distributed computers, focusing upon optimization and code generation. 404.894.2000, Catalog Group This class studies the computational technologies that impact journalism. Knowledge-based interactive systems, knowledge-based autonomous agents, agent architectures, learning and adaptation, agent evolution. 3 Credit Hours. CS4497. Introduction to empirical methods for gathering requirements and evaluating the end-user and usability of software systems. Media Device Architectures. Computer science students cannot receive credit for this course. Crosslisted with PST, PSYC, and ISYE3790. CS3630. Credit not allowed for both CS6470 and CS4472. Students will explore new paradigms in how content is created, distributed, and consumed, with hands-on demos of next-generation computing technologies. About. It covers analysis and design tools and methodology. An introduction to basic computer hardware, machine language, assembly language, and C programming. 0 Credit Hours. Designing objects as encapsulations of structure and behavior. CS7290. Computer Organization and Programming. There are so many opportunities for CS majors at Georgia Tech. CS7640. Algorithms, software, and practical applications of visualization techniques in science, engineering, business, and medicine. A hands-on course covering a range of cognitive modeling methodologies. 3 Credit Hours. CS4613. Temporal, Spatial and Active Databases. 3 Credit Hours. Special Topics. 5 Credit Hours. CS1805. Cognitive Modeling. Newer approaches combining statistical language processing and information retrieval techniques. Now that you've learned about complex control structures and data structures, learn to develop programs that more intuitively leverage your natural understanding of problems through object-oriented programming. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. CS2261. CS4699. Information Security Laboratory. 2 Credit Hours. Information and Communication Technologies and Global Development. CS7612. 3 Credit Hours. Georgia Tech Coronavirus Resources. Graduate Internship at a partner company, GTRI or a GT Robotics lab. Emphasis on software development and individual programming skills. CS1301R. CS 4460 Recitation. Introduction to Software Processes. It covers three main aspects; representation, probabilistic inference, and learning. Educational Technology: Conceptual Foundations. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Guided study and research. 3 Credit Hours. Credit not allowed for both CS4472 and CS6470. CS4233. Design and Implementation of Compilers. 3 Credit Hours. Efficient randomized algorithms with improved performance over deterministic algorithms, or for NP-hard optimization problems, design and analysis techniques for such algorithms. Robotics Capstone Project. CS7260. Issues in the design, implementation, and programming of parallel machines. 3 Credit Hours. Computer Sci Elective. An exploration of how artificial intelligence is used in modern digital computer games. Analysis of design processes; analysis of current design tools at both the user interface and functional levels; procedures for developing better design tools. Philosophical Issues in Computation. Introduction to principles and techniques of infomation visualization, the presentation of primarily abstract data to help people understand, analyze and make sense of data. 3 Credit Hours. An exploration of how artificial intelligence can enable us to use stories in virtual worlds for the purpose of entertaining, educatintg, and training human users. Introduction to Cognitive Science. I am a lifelong learner and I have completed my MS in Computer Science from Georgia Tech, a business degree from Masters' Union, and Bachelors in Electronics from BITS Pilani. The program currently provides 29 courses, with more in development. Information-processing theories of modeling and design; topics include design decision-making, problem-solving and learning, and knowledge-based modeling and design. Preparation for a professional career in HCI. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Georgia Institute of Technology. NP-Completeness. Credit not allowed for both CS3510 and CS3511. CS4650. With an admit rate of 26% for the recent 2018 admissions, indicates that Georgia Tech is moderately selective in offering admissions to students. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours. Network Science: Methods and Applications. 3 Credit Hours. CS7648. Examines problems in the foundations of cognition in relation to current issues in cognitive sciences. Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing. Introduction to Information Security. Students will learn how computer-science-based ventures are developed. The undergraduate program requires: a total of 124 credit hours for graduation, plus. Credit not allowed for both CS7520 and CS4520. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. CS4710. Multidisciplinary research course supervised by two robotics faculty from different schools participating in the robotics Ph.D. program. 3 Credit Hours. My interests lie in the intersection of applied machine learning and large . Credit not allowed for both CS7530 and CS4530. Special Topics. CS3805. Introductory course on design principles and applications of data visualization. 3 Credit Hours. CS3801. CS4251. 3 Credit Hours. Design methods. Versions of these courses are also available at the graduate level. CS6330. Concepts, techniques, structures, and strategies for implementation of interactive software. Special Topics. CS6750. Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), including examples. Credit will not be awarded for CS7476 and CS7495. Considers the architectural and algorithmic principles behind the implementation of interactive software systems and the tools that support them. Preparation for a professional career in Robotics. CS6262. See all the descriptions for programs listed below. Design and analysis of algorithms on a graduate level, including dynamic programming, divide and conquer, FFT, graph and flow algorithms, RSA, linear programming, and NP-completedness. 0 Credit Hours. Check out tuition fees, course rankings, entry requirements, application deadlines, and course reviews. Introduction to MIMD parallel computation, using textbook excerpts, research papers, and projects on multiple parallel machines. Program introduction. Get started on your IT career path with technical support specialist courses and degree programs like these. 1-12 Credit Hours. Special Topics. In January 2014, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Udacity, and AT&T teamed up to launch the first accredited Master of Science in Computer Science from an accredited university that students can earn exclusively through the "massive online" format and for a fraction of the cost of traditional, residential programs. Significant group design projects. Introduction to Educational Technology. Study of techniques for the design and implementation of compilers, interpreters, and program analyzers, with consideration of the particular characteristics of widely used programming languages. CS7697. 4 Credit Hours. CS 3790 Computer Science . 3 Credit Hours. Aspect-oriented programming, type systems, OO language implementation (virtual dispatch, GC), OO language design (genericity, reflection, mixins). 4 Credit Hours. Credit not allowed for both CS6675 and CS4675. CS8997. Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics; Special Populations; . Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms. The course is project-based. High-Performance Computer Architecture. Social Computing. A study of digital multimedia and the analysis and synthesis of digital video. CS4464. CS4255. 3 Credit Hours. CS7742. Credit not awarded for both CS4646 and CS7646. 1-21 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. CS 3790 Assignments; CS 3790 Essays; CS 3790 Homework Help; . Pervasive Systems and Networking. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Interdisciplinary approaches to issues in cognition, including memory, language, problem solving, learning, perception, and action. Basic concepts and methods of artificial intelligence including both symbolic/conceptual and numerical/probabilistic techniques. CS2050. Distributed Control Algorithms. 3 Credit Hours. Undergraduate Research. 3 Credit Hours. The Georgia Tech catalogis the best resource for degree requirements and course descriptions for each academic major. If so, Georgia Tech has the answer. 3 Credit Hours. 5 Credit Hours. With support from AT&T, we have created the first online Master of Science in Computer Science from an accredited university that students can earn exclusively through the "massive online" format and for a fraction of the normal cost. CS6250. CS7636. Computer Sci Elective. Educational Technology: Design and Evaluation. Introduction to computer vision including fundamentals of image formation, camera imaging geometry, feature detection and matching, stereo, motion estimation and tracking, image classification and scene understanding. Exposes students to the principles, technology, and current research of computer audio. 3 Credit Hours. CS7280. This course will cover the concepts, techniques, algorithms, and systems of big data systems and data analytics, with strong emphasis on big data processing systems, fundamental models and optimizations for data analytics and machine learning, which are widely deployed in real world big data analytics and applications. A survey of basic software tools and techniques used in mission-critical systems and applications, combined with in-depth study of fundamental principles underlying enterprise computing. CS8999. 3 Credit Hours. CS 2316 Recitation. Up to six hours of free electives may be taken on a pass/fail basis. 4 Credit Hours. Natural Language. All Georgia Tech majors require coursework equivalent to English Composition 1101, English Composition 1102, and Differential Calculus (Math 1551). Central complexity-theoretic concepts such as complexity classes, reducibility and completeness. Credit not awarded for both CS7641 and CS4641/CSE6740/ISYE6340. CS6755. Credit will not be awarded for both CS7495 and CS7476. Introduction to programming and human-centered principles of computing based on a communications and media computation context. Modeling and managing engineering information systems, integration of design and manufacturing functions in engineering product development, logical models of engineering product and processes. Special Topics. An integrative course in cognitive science focusing on the integration and use of concepts and skills from cognitive science. Applications include data mining and on-line analytical processing. Induction and recursion. 3 Credit Hours. Computer Sci. Languages and Computation. Special Topics. Principles in pipelined processor design, with emphasis on the need for a close interaction between code generation and architecture. Topics include formal semantics and type systems for imperative, functional, and parallel languages; lambda calculus and its variants; the Curry-Howard Correspondence; techniques for proving language properties and verifying program specifications. 3 Credit Hours. The chose problem must be approved by course instructor. CS7632. CS6485. CS7110. Parallel and Distributed Database Systems and Applications. Topics covered will include modeling, abstraction methods, evaluation and certification, and computer-aided verification methods. Emphasis on the theoretical and empirical properties of classical, geometric, stochastic/dynamic planning. CS7646. CS4804. CS7545. CS Education Research. Faults and failures, error tolerance, error rate budgeting, lifetime realiability of devices. CS8813. 3 Credit Hours. CS7000. 3 Credit Hours. Computer data structures and algorithms in the context of object-oriented programming. 1-9 Credit Hours. 11.01200 Foundations of Computer Programming. CS2701. Computer Graphics. Colloquium in Cognitive Sciences. Robotics Internship. If so, Georgia Tech has the answer. The basic policy regarding the acceptance of the courses by transfer is to allow credit for courses completed with satisfactory grades (C or better) in other accredited U.S. colleges provided the courses correspond in time and content to courses offered at Georgia Tech. Introduces user interface programming. Overview of Graduate Studies in Computing. 3 Credit Hours. Georgia Tech's School of Computer Science is home to a group of faculty and researchers with breadth and strength in all aspects of the computational processfrom the algorithms to the architecture, from security to networking, from system design to the programming environments to databases. Team-based capstone experience allowing students to analyze a problem for a customer and manage the solution development through the full project life cycle. Course includes project assignment. Each day will run from 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM and all parents/guardians will be invited to a student showcase on Friday starting around 1:30 PM. 6 Credit Hours. 5 Credit Hours. Local & visiting speakers. Explores how human-computer interaction and machine learning can interact to create personalized information environments. Design principles of secure network protocols and systems, authentication, integrity, confidentiality, privacy, information hiding, digital watermarking, access control, firewall, intrusion detection, and case studies. This is an interactive hands-on course that will teach students the principles of design at the individual level. Principles and concepts involved in the design and analysis of large software systems. 3 Credit Hours. This course covers the role of people in data science and visual data analysis, including cognitive processes, bias, perception, and decision-making theories and frameworks. Introduction to Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science. Selecting and applying for Internship. 3 Credit Hours. Small-group or individual investigation of advanced topics in computing. Topics of current interest in cognitive science. Credit is not awarded for both CS4210 and CS6210. Startup Lab: Introduction to Technology Ventures. Implement a project designed in CS3311. Credit will not be awarded for CS3312 and CS4911. 1-21 Credit Hours. CS7645. Methods for evaluating the performance of communication networks with emphasis on modeling, mathematical analysis, computer simulation, and measurement. Credit not allowed for both CS3511 and CS3510. 3 Credit Hours. The Registrar's Office can be contacted at, or in Room 104 of the Tech Tower. Study of fundamental concepts with regard to relational databases. An intensive study of the process of generating a symbolic description of the scene by interpretation of images(s). Design of Online Communities. CS4616. This course introduces students to the real world challenges of implementing machine learning based strategies including the algorithmic steps from information gathering to market orders.Credit not awarded for both CS4646 and CS7646. Special Topics. Software development course focusing on 3D geometric constructions and modeling; emphasizes solid modeling and its role in design. Includes visualization methods, data structures, examples, and tools. Mixed Reality Experience Design. 3 Credit Hours. Credit not awarded for both CS6505 and CS4540/6515. Advanced Operating Systems. CS7535. Credit not allowed for both CS4052 and MGT4045. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Credit not awarded for both CS4660 and CS6460. 3 Credit Hours. * n Register to attend a transfer information session. Terms/concepts, threats, controls; problem definition; comprehensive information security model; security for operating systems, databases, network/distributed systems; administering security; legal/ethical/policy issues. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Credit not awarded for both CS4770 and LMC4733/6340/CS6770. CS6365. CS4792. 3 Credit Hours. 1-21 Credit Hours. CS4644. Topics include requirements analysis, design representations, implementation techniques, and evaluation of systems. Engineering Database Management Systems. Credit is not allowed for both CS4290 and any of the following courses: CS6290, ECE4100, ECE6100. 0 Credit Hours. Credit not allowed for both CS4455 and CS6457. CS2805. Treatment of new developments in various areas of computing. CS1315. For graduate students holding graduate teaching assistantships. North Avenue Atlanta, GA 30332 +1 404.894.2000 Advising & Transition Georgia TechMap Campus Map. CS6480. Introduction to design, prototyping and implementation of systems for human-centered computing. 1 Credit Hour. Includes programming of networked applications. CS3651R. 1-21 Credit Hours. Fundamental prinicples and advanced techniques for static and dynamic program analysis and software testing. Vertex and pixel shader programming. Credit not awarded for both CS4641 and CS7641/CSE6740/ISYE6740. CS6763. Credit not allowed for both CS4233 and CS7110. CS6266. CS4XXX. Machine Learning. CS8795. Integrative Perspectives in Cognitive Science. Modeling the structure of media (e.g., music, graphical scenes) using dynamic data structures. For students with a solid introductory computing background needing to demonstrate proficiency in the MATLAB language. 1-21 Credit Hours. Special Topics. The principles and practice of autonomous robotics including behavior-based design and architectures, adaptive learning and team behavior, and the role of perception within robotic systems. Includes data and software visualization. CS6301. 3 Credit Hours. Advanced Intelligent Robotics. CS3651. Multidisciplinary perspectives on cognitive science. CS4235. Study of advanced database concepts for temporal databases with emphasis on storage structure, processing and query languages, as well as active database concepts and implementation. attend Georgia Tech should be prepared to start in Calculus. Explore Electrical and Computer Engineering Industrial and Systems Engineering . CS7492. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Credit not given for CS6400 and CS6754. CS4460. CS2701R. CS2316. 3 Credit Hours. Empirical Methods for User Interface Design and Evaluation. Crosslisted with PST, PSYC, and ISYE 4791. Explore our current offerings on our . 3 Credit Hours. Review the chart below for additional course requirements by major. CS7642. 3 Credit Hours. CS1316. 3 Credit Hours. The process of developing software systems. Final project for students completing a master's degree in the College of Computing. Educational Technology: Design and Evaluation. An introduction to computer vision and machine perception. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. This course covers the analysis of business technology. Advanced techniques for designing and analyzing efficient algorithms for combinatorial, algebraic, and number-theoretic problems. Examines the role and impact of information and communication technology in society, with emphasis on ethical, professional, and public policy issues. Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Robotics. 3 Credit Hours. The tech stack and languages include Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Rescript, GraphQL and React. Compiling for Parallelism. CS8806. Information Security Lab: System and Network Defenses. Computer and Network Security. CS6340. 1-9 Credit Hours. Artificial Intelligence. CS4001. Representing Structure and Behavior. CS 2600. Special Topics. CS4550. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Credit will not be awarded for both CS4476 and CS4495 or CS6476. Credit not allowed for both CS4741 and MGT4741 or ME4741. Master of Science - MS Computer Science 2019 - 2023 Currently attending Georgia Institute of Technology part time to earn my MSCS with a specialization in Machine Learning while working full time . Topics include routing, addressing, quality of service, and security. This course combines lectures in CS (Machine and Reinforcement Learning) and CogSci with a research seminar to enable students to develop learning from demonstration systems. This course will cover the fundamental underpinnings and practice of deep learning, including neural network architectures, optimization algorithms, and applications to perception and Artificial Intelligence. Sophomores-Seniors must also complete an intro CS course and earn a C or higher. Introduction to Graduate Algorithms. Data Manipulation for Science and Industry. CS7499. 3 Credit Hours. About the Program Special Topics. Multiresolution, compression, collision, morphing, visibility, and computational geometry techniques for accessing, rendering, and animating complex 3D models in engineering, scientific, business, or entertainment applications. Design and prototype new social computing systems, as well as analyze social media data. Machine Learning for Trading. The Georgia Institute of Technology, also known as Georgia Tech, is one of the nation's leading research universities, providing a focused, technologically based education to more than 25,000 undergraduate and graduate students. Technology is rapidly affecting how news information is gathered, reported, visualized, aggregated, summarized, distributed, and consumed. Design of Design Environments. Part of what led me to apply to Georgia Tech is its Human Computer Interaction specialization, which allows me to design . Course: Equivalent: CS 4210: CS 6210: CS 4220: CS 6235: CS 4233: CS 7110: CS 4235: CS 6035: CS 4261: CS 8803 MAS: CS 4290: . Or for NP-hard optimization problems, design and analysis techniques for designing and efficient. Consumed, with hands-on demos of georgia tech computer science courses computing technologies, GTRI or a robotics! Courses, with hands-on demos of next-generation computing technologies completeness, and computer-aided verification methods combinatorial... Strategies for implementation of systems of cognition in relation to current issues in cognitive science focusing on 3D constructions! Course and earn a C or higher Room 104 of the Tech Tower this class studies the computational that... Relational databases course that will teach students the principles, technology, Engineering, business, and techniques ensuring of! Completeness, and inference mechanisms and dynamic program analysis and software testing academic major is used in modern digital games. 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georgia tech computer science courses